My passion for birds goes way back into my later teens. I purchased my first bird when I was 17years old. He was a pearly pied cockatiel named Cookie. I had Cookie for 26 years and then when turning 21 years old I purchased my first larger parrot that was imported and I picked Pepper out of around 30 Timneh greys all bundled up in a huge flight cage. He was the only one that did not cling to the side of the cage in fright. It took 3 long months of constant handling and trust for him to accept me as his friend but he finally did and the rest is history. We are located in Olive Branch, Mississippi. I raise Bourkes, and Kakariki.
I take pride in purchasing healthy stock. Our breeders are tested for all diseases and we thrive for a disease free aviary. We feed all our birds Tropican pellets and either freeze dried chop on cheat days with fresh chop most days. I feed a quality seed mix of Higgins parakeet and Chirp central mixes. Goldenfeast Australian blend, Miracle meal and lots of products from Morning Bird. I also sprout fresh sprouts for my birds and make mamas birdie bread. Do your own research, Some individuals will try to tell you how bad pellets are and that they cause liver issues. Fact is there is no written proof linking pellets to this, in fact pellets are a great source of proper vitamins as an all seed diet is lacking in the proper vitamins. Choose your pellets wisely and read ingredients.
I raise healthy happy Bourke Parakeets in most colors, Rubino, Lutino, Normals, Fallow and Rosy and Rainbow. I have 2 pairs of Kakariki also. Colors include yellow pied, Turquoise pied and Cinnamon Turquoise pied
My Kakariki get a high quality mix of parakeet seed mixed with cockatiel seed with sunflower seeds, Tropican pellets, Endless Tweets freeze dried fruits and veggie mixes and Runzas freeze dried , Goldenfeast Patagonian and Tops organic seed mix and Tops pellets. They get daily chop and sprouted legumes and other seeds. Bird bread is a real favorite with the Kakariki.
Our babies are pulled at 2-3 weeks old and hand fed and handled often to make a very sweet pet. I do not clip wings unless necessary but most of the time I leave that up to the new owner but I highly discourage clipping wings on certain species such as bourkes and scarlet chested most grasskeet species. We are a closed Aviary in meaning no one but myself is allowed in my Aviary due to the safety and health of my breeder pairs. I do not ship my babies so you must pick up at my house.
A non-refundable money deposit will be required to hold a bird. A bird is not held for you until you have paid a deposit for it. NO EXCEPTIONS.
Final payment is due once a bird is weaned and ready to go home. I will not hand over an unpaid bird (a bird is not paid until payment has CLEARED to my bank/payment account). You will have 72 hours upon being notified that your bird is ready to go home to pay the remaining balance . If you do not get in touch with me regarding payment within that time frame, I reserve the right to put the bird back up for sale without refunding your deposit.
Deposit amount is typically 30-50% of the bird’s total price, and counts towards the price of the bird. If paying through Paypal there is a 4% charge on top of the Deposit placed on a baby. The balance is due at pickup in the form of cash. My repeat customers get a discount on their next baby from me, Price on babies depends on color. Rubino and Lutino sell for more than a Normal and or Rosy Bourke. My guarantee ALL BIRDS ARE GUARANTEED TO BE HEALTHY AT THE TIME OF PURCHASE. THIS INCLUDES BREEDER PARROTS AND BABIES. IT IS RECOMMENDED THAT THE BIRD IS CHECKED BY AN AVIAN VET WITHIN 72 HOURS OF PURCHASE TO VALIDATE THE GUARANTEE.
I use and recommend Brinsea Brooders and Incubators. I DO NOT sell un-weaned babies!
All our babies are banded with Browns Prides Aviary bands I usually band all babies at 10 days old and this can depend on their size.
Sometimes I have no choice but to pull to hand feed at day one due to parents neglecting or another unforeseen happening occurs but when I feed from day one it is around the clock for 2 weeks and the first 2 days I mix formula 6 part water and 1 part formula and add 1 part electrolytes, at this age they need more fluids than formula.
All feeding should be carried out between 6 am and midnight:
All my photos are copy right. Please do not steal my photos.
I am a closed Aviary. No one enters my Bird Room but myself. The health and safety of my breeder pairs and my pet birds is my first priority.
Baby Bourkes and Parrotlets should be fed every four hours day, beginning at 10-14 days of age. Increases the quantity of food at these feedings over time, starting at 1 to 2 cc per feeding to a maximum of approximately 6 cc at three weeks of age.
Feed one-week-old baby birds 1 cc six times a day and their two-week-old baby birds 2 cc five times a day, "and so forth." At four weeks of age, the baby birds are fed on demand until they turn away from the feeding syringe. At this age you should already be introducing a fresh chop of fruits but mainly veggies diced to small enough size for the birds. Also have pellets of choice ( I use and recommend Psitticus mini pellets) and small bowl of water. I introduce pellets and chop first before a quality seed mixture so the babies will readily eat the chop offered.
Hand feeding can be a very rewarding experience if done correctly. First you need to collect the items that you will need to do the job.
It is much easier and there is less of a chance to aspirate when hand-feeding newly hatched baby chicks with a syringe and or eye dropper rather than a spoon. Almost any commercial hand-feeding formula is good to feed baby chicks. It really is a preference of the breeder as to consistency, smell and, most importantly, availability. I start formula thin and increase thickness with age of the baby. I do not recommend to start feeding one brand of formula and then switch to another but if you must make sure you mix and slowly increase the brand you intend to feed.
"My Prices are firm."
( Normal Bourke color $100 not hand fed, $175 hand fed.) (Rosy not hand fed-$175 , Handfed - $250) (Lutino Not hand fed- $300, Handfed Lutino - $375) (Rubino Not handfed - $400 Handfed Rubino $475.)Rainbow Bourkes are not yet for sale. (Kakariki handfed only price start at $450- $650,)
I do not do DNA on my babies so if you want a certain sex you will have to pay for the whole clutch to get DNA'ed , That cost is $25 per bird or I can take a good guess on sex and it is purely visual and not guaranteed.
Files coming soon.
These are just breeders that I have dealt with and trust. And shops that I love to buy from.
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JenLyn, We love the gorgeous parrotlet we purchased from you my female is patiently waiting for 1 month so we can put them together well worth my drive
Our babies are adopted quickly, so reach out to reserve your furever friend or to ask any questions.
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